Hello Students!
This blog will help us to search things online when I find something
interesting for you to see! I love it when you write me back.
Comment to tell me what you think about the links and pictures that I show you! If you see something that the class would like, email it to me and I will post it as well.
(For Example: Wanna see the website for the City of Ember's Author? Click HERE)This is a
trial, we will be seeing how this goes. If we don't like using this, or if there isn't enough participation, we may stop using this blog. I think that it will be a
fun way to do some
easy homework assignments and to increase your interest in our lessons during class!
At first, I just want to see who has visited me, so write me a "comment" at the bottom of this post and just say
hi, or something. It will let me know that you have
read this blog!

p.s. if you haven't read "The City of Ember",
remember, you have only until Aug, 14 to finish it!