We are starting a new unit in our
Reading class where the students will be broken into
3 "book clubs" to read the book and discuss. The three groups will have a different book, and will be mainly teaching themselves in a "learner-centered" type of

I am
really concerned about the level of attention given to each student from their group, especially in regards to the
entertainment value of each students' reading. I want to be entertained when I am read to: with
enthusiasm, with facial
expression, with voice changes and mood
So we will be starting off the Unit with "Choral Reading". Supposedly there are many different ways to do this. We will be trying 3... #1,
Cumulative Choral reading is when the number of students reading gradually builds as they read, ending with everyone reading... #2,
Impromptu: As a selection is read, students join in or fade out as they wish. #3,
Basic: when the entire class reads together.

I will be reading the paragraph as a model, then the students will read it as closely to my model as possible. I'll let you know how it works out.
This could prob. work well at home with a well read book. It should help improve reading fluency and build confidence as well as enthusiastic readers! ~
Mrs. C!